About Montcrest

We specialize in unlocking hidden value and creating attractive risk-adjusted returns for our partners.


To be a leading private equity real estate firm and help our partners achieve their financial goals.


Create premium risk-adjusted returns by sourcing unique investment opportunities and applying proven value-creation strategies and hands-on management.


Integrity, Transparency, Entrepreneurship, Accountability.
Night time shot of angled exterior of Toronto's Honest Eds

The Montcrest Story

Established in 2012, Montcrest Asset Management is an entrepreneurial private equity real estate firm that collaborates with high-net-worth and institutional partners to pursue projects that provide compelling, risk-adjusted returns.

Our success is attributed to our proactive approach to acquiring value-add opportunities and executing an active asset management plan. By prioritizing timely acquisitions and enacting our strategic asset management plan, we consistently create value for our partners.
Two people in business attire shaking hands

Who We Are

Montcrest Asset Management is a private equity real estate company, with extensive industry relationships.

Headquartered in Toronto, Ontario, we proudly own, manage, and invest in exceptional, strategically positioned assets throughout Canada. Guided by experienced leadership and a time-tested management platform, we generate premium, risk-adjusted returns for our partners.

At Montcrest, we remain steadfast in our commitment to unlocking the untapped potential of real estate through innovative value creation strategies and operational excellence.
Two men and a woman in hardhats behind a desk with graphs on it

What We Do

By acquiring underutilized properties and enhancing their value through redevelopment, repositioning, and professional asset management, we can offer our partners attractive risk-adjusted returns while minimizing competition.

We welcome the opportunity to meet with you, introduce you to our projects, and discuss your investment objectives.
Three people hiking over green terrain towards the sunset with bodies in shadow

We take you beyond traditional investments

Montcrest pursues diverse investment opportunities, offering our partners a comprehensive solution for allocating capital across asset classes and operating businesses.

How we do business

Our strategic partnerships with best-in-class providers, consultants, and advisors enable us to deliver results.


We tap into our strategic Canadian relationships to uncover investment opportunities.

Our approach emphasizes off-market transactions to achieve the return expectations of our partners.


We assess every opportunity based on suitability, risk, and scalability and perform due diligence.

We ensure proper alignment and use our expertise to optimize the capital stack by sourcing the right mix of debt and equity to maximize returns with efficiency.


We administer, manage, and execute all projects internally to ensure maximum opportunity with optimized resources.

Our external service partners are strategically selected for their aptitude and commitment to deliver exceptional results. We offer institutional-level reporting and maintain governance measures to ensure transparency and accountability in all our operations.


Upon realization of the business plan, Montcrest will exit the investment and provide returns to our partners.

At Montcrest, our partners can take advantage of our value-driven investment approach

True partner with aligned interests

Our approach involves being a true partner in every deal we undertake. We invest our own capital into projects, ensuring we are aligned with our partners, prioritizing profitable returns over business or portfolio growth.

Own various asset classes with ease

Montcrest pursues investment opportunities across diverse areas empowering our partners to allocate capital in various asset classes and operating ventures. Our partners can access top-quality investment options at an achievable price through our services.

Get institutional-level reporting

Our investment opportunities come with institutional-level reporting, and we have established proper governance measures.

Experienced Management Team

A team with extensive, specialized knowledge, execution experience and proven track record.

Proprietary Sourcing Network

We proactively leverage our network to source off-market opportunities. This gives us access to transactions in fragmented asset classes and generates deal flow.

In-house Planning Expertise

We have an experienced, in-house development team to manage consultants and oversee entitlement. This ensures that we optimize the planning and application process for our development projects.

On Track to Success

We are charting a legacy of strategic growth.
Assets under management and development
Square feet under management and development
Equity invested
Transactions completed

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